
Below is a partial list of aftermarket options to address other issues that may endanger a child around a motor vehicle. KIDS AND CARS does not endorse any particular product but rather offers this information in order to educate drivers. Consumers can also find additional products at local after market dealers and on the Internet. KIDS AND CARS assumes no liability or responsibility for use of such devices.

Drivers should be aware that technology does not replace proper supervision of children and proper backing and driving techniques. Children should NEVER be left alone in or around a motor vehicle.

Volvo's 2020 vision: The injury-proof car


The Escape Tip® is a seatbelt modification which is integrated on to the male end of seatbelt buckles throughout a vehicle. It’s inexpensive, effective, and simple design will allow people who are trapped in vehicles to facilitate their own escape.


NASA develops child car-seat safety device


Concept car pushes right buttons for safety

Inside ITS
August 15, 2002
Vol 12 No 16